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keywords : virtual sensors, signal processing, statistics, differential equations, neural networks, kalman, luenberger, fuzzy logic, bayesian networks, data analysis, optimization, control, modeling, design plans, image processing, artificial vision, decision making, artificial intelligence, fuzzy decision arrays, possibility theory, technical applications, sales applications, marketing applications, customers segmentation, satisfaction survey, defects detection, non linear systels modeling, sensory analysis, statistics for epidemiology, pls regression, generalized linear model,

examples of studies
(in both technical and sales/marketing fields)


Virtual sensors (kalman, luenberger, neural networks, ...)
Example : speed of the car reconstructed from standard on board sensors (for various trajectories and adherence)

Non linear dynamic system modeling (differential equations, neural networks, ...)
Example : tire model : maximum adherence among depth of water for several speeds

Defects detection and pattern recognition (image processing, eigen vectors analysis, neural networks, bayesian networks, statistics, fuzzy decision arrays, texture analysis - covariance, fractals - ...)
Example : defects detection in glass

Decision making (data analysis, fuzzy logic, possibility theory, probabilities, statistics, neural networks, bayesian networks, ...)
Example : intelligent airbags triggering

Statistics for epidemiology (statistics, pls regression, generalized linear model, bootstrap, ...)
Example : influence of pollutant on mutation

Data analysis for sensory analysis (touch, smell, sight, taste, ...)
Example : touch feeling of steering wheels covered with various materials (leather, paper, plastics, ...)

Rare/abnormal facts detection - hypovigilance of the driver, intrusion into networks and computers, process monitoring, ...-
(k-means, self organization maps, neural gas, vector quantization and projection, ...)
Example : Industrial process monitoring

Control - linear systems, separable non linear systems, optimal regulation and control, heuristical control, ...
(Laplace transform, z transform, modified z transform, first harmonic method, phase plan method, extended kalman and luenberger, neural networks, fuzzy logic, ...)
Example : modeling of the locked loop "driver + car + road" dynamics


Customers segmentation (k-means, neural gas, neural networks, eigen vectors analysis, statistics, fuzzy sets, ...)
Example : segmentation of the small car market in Europe (cf. publication 1997 with the firm PSA Peugeot Citroën)

Satisfaction survey analysis (pls regression, differential equations, data analysis, statistics, ...)
Example : estimation ot the weigh of satisfaction criteria (and avoiding the "negative weights" effect - those who tried will understand :-)
